An Integrative Approach to IoT
Companies that seek to integrate IoT often get stuck in the Proof of Concept (PoC) phase. They try to break the problem down, which limits its usefulness and disappoints in results. That's when we can use integrative thinking to recognize the value in differing approaches to IoT adoption—whether they prioritize cost, efficiency, security, or innovation—and then weaving together the best elements of these seemingly conflicting strategies.

The Lie that Economists tell us.
The commonly accepted idea that before the invention of money, people lived in barter economies is challenged. There is no substantial anthropological or historical evidence to support the existence of large-scale barter economies.

My Conversation with a $4 bn AUM Registered Investment Advisor
Passive investing has often been dismissed in favor of stock-picking, yet the results from research show that only a select few are able to outperform index funds. Here’s why.

The Superiority of Small Value Stocks
Small stock portfolios generate higher average returns compared to big stock portfolios. This is primarily due to small stocks transitioning to big stock portfolios as the market rewards good performance. More importantly, the value premium, or the higher average returns of value stocks compared to growth stocks, results from lower PB ratios and less risk than for comparable growth stocks.

Zoltan Pozsar - War and Commodity Encumbrance - The Secular End of Lowflation
While in the past 50 years, geopolitics didn’t matter, now we’re reaching the secular end of “lowflation.” Not only in commodities but also in labor from countries like China and India as they are rising they’re wealth level.

Lyn Alden December 2022 Newsletter: The World’s Money Problem - Summary
While we in the developed world have the priviledge of using stable currencies within stable economies, most of the human population in this world doesn’t have this privilege.

Boost Your Productivity With Albert Einstein’s Work Principles
Einstein was not only a brilliant mathematician but highly articulate in philosophy. Throughout his career, he created work principles that he adhered to boost his productivity and create a clear focus throughout his day.

Zoltan Pozsar - Oil, Gold, and LCLp(SP)R - Summary
The fears of a financial liquidity crunch are misplaced because there are risks lurking in funding markets, but they have nothing to do with the draining of reserves via QT. Gold and Oil could be a much bigger problem, leading to a potential banking crisis.

Identify Companies with Superior Strategies.
Strategy is choosing one path, while abandoning the others. It’s a set of choices on where to play, how to play, what capabilities are needed, and about the metrics to measure its success.

Architectural Innovation - Beyond the Innovator’s Dilemma
Architectural Innovation is the most difficult innovation that traditional firms fight against. Product knowledge is embedded in a company’s structure. Digital to disconnect and move on!